About SCENAR Therapy
SCENAR therapy, also known as self-controlled energo-neuro-adaptive regulation therapy, is a holistic approach that utilizes biofeedback technology to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities. It involves the application of low-frequency electrical impulses through the skin, targeting areas of pain or dysfunction. SCENAR therapy can aid in a wide range of ailments and health conditions. SCENAR therapy aims to support the body's self-regulation and natural healing processes, leading to improved overall health and well-being.
SCENAR can help with acute and chronic pain, musculoskeletal disorders, sports injuries, neurological conditions, respiratory issues, skin conditions and general wellness promotion.
SCENAR therapy tends to be utilised as a complementary approach alongside conventional medical treatments, and the specific benefits and outcomes may vary for each individual.

SCENAR can help with:
Back & Joint Pain
Sports injuries
Sciatica & Neuropathy
Eczema & Psoriasis
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Hormonal imbalances
Postoperative recovery
Circulatory problems
Immune system enhancement
Stroke or accident rehab
And many more
Our SCENAR Therapist

Appointment type Cost Duration
Initial consultation & treatment £75 60 mins
Follow up treatment £45 30 mins
Follow up treatment £55 45 mins
Follow up treatment £65 60 mins